I moved here in April 2021 and still live here now, January 2022. This place is infested with cockroaches. My mom and I have been suffering living here and are trying to move out ASAP. The roaches come out of nowhere and I have to kill 1-3 of them *daily* on average! It's a horrible nightmare. The roaches are bold and will try to get into your fridge, try to get into the food in your fridge, crawl on light switches, try to enrer your microwave, try to chill next to you while you're sitting down,... crawl on the ceiling, hide in your cupboards, hide in your sink, etc. Please! I've went through all these things myself. DO NOT LIVE HERE.. Please look elsewhere and for somewhere *better* if you are looking for somewhere new to live. I beg you.
Review from Apartments.com
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