Yeah... now is not a good time to be here.
First off, communication is really bad! There are so many notes posted in your door, and some that are not written too well, and you have to keep track of them all. There is no running tally. Every employee that you speak to has a different answer: "No alcohol in common areas""Drinking is not okay in your car, but is fine if you keep it at the picnic table""No open alcoholic containers at the table"
Also, there are so many vague rules with serious consequences. As we muck through trying to... decide if an "evening visitor" will be towed for not displaying an "overnight guest" pass, or how to get a visitor pass on days when the office is closed for no apparent reason or on weekends. I believe that someone tried to tow a delivery person as well.
Their favorite go-to is "tenants loitering on the property." This has been explained to me that, basically, someone complains that you have been somewhere for too long and you get a violation. 3 and you get evicted. There is no pro-active way to prevent this unless you lock yourself in your apartment.
Also there is no security. The door locks which were why tenants were issued fobs are all broken. The security cameras don't work. There are wandering kids from around the neighborhood who prank, vandalize and terrorize the tenants. Homeless live, sleep, fornicate and defecate in the stair wells. Somebody likes to pee in the elevator. Maybe the same guy who gets kicks for finding nooks around the elevator to drop needles into.
Cleanliness is a joke. Pet waste, human bodily fluids and various for of littler fester for weeks in the stairs and hallways. Promises of "we clean 2 to 3 times a week" sprawled across correspondence.
Yeah, now is not the time. Maybe they will type out all of these rules somewhere. Probably not!
Thoughts and Prayers needed!
Review from Apartments.com