Things are often broken and managment is lacking in the management department
The garage gate was broken for almost 5 months of the 7 that i have lived here so far.
Amenities such as the hot tub and fire pits are often out of order for weeks at a time
The "Dog Park" is hard to stand in when it is hot outside since the AstroTurf is so urine soaked.
Communal areas are always dirty
trash rooms are full of trash just being thrown into the room instead of in the chutes where it is supposed to go
People who do not pay for parking often park in the building garage that people... pay 100-150 to park in and management does nothing about it
Several car and motorcycles have been stolen out of the garage in the 7 months that i have been here and countless cars have had converters stolen or have been broken into.
Light fixtures have been taken down for repair and haven't been replaced leaving capped off wires hanging.
The staff is nice until there is a problem then they stop attempting to help.
Given what people pay to live in this complex and the fact that it is dubbed as "Luxury Living" there are a lot of things that need to change
Review from Apartments.com
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