Renters beware! Constant increases in rent, garage use, broken doors, broken buzzer, dryer that has never worked, constant inconvenient repairs due to shoddy construction. After three years of being faithful tenants we had had enough. Upon moving out (after our lease was up) they kept our security deposit and sent us a bill for an additional $1,000. They claimed we left the bathroom filthy and that the carpets were stained. This couldn't be further from the truth, we left the apartment... spotless upon moving out. This apartment company is ruthlessly money hungry to do this to an elderly couple. It is no wonder why so many other tenants are moving out. Withholding security deposit and making up reasons to charge more for outrageous accusations are not the proper way to try to keep from going bankrupt. Shame on you and I feel sorry for anyone who rents from The Cove.
Review from Apartments.com
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