Stay away ! Horrible place to live ! Always smells like marijuana and cigarettes!
1 star is too much. I’ve tried calling them multiple times because my sink is regurgitating water from the drain hole, nonstop and they haven’t sent anyone out to fix it. It’s been two days. Whenever I call their line is either busy or they just tell me they’ll send someone as soon as possible. The sink is overflowing and I’ve had to use a container to get the water out of the sink so that it won’t spill onto the floor. I haven’t even slept because water continues to come out even through the... night so I have to wake up every 20 minutes to take the water out so It won’t over flow. Not only that but rent is expensive for what this place is and there is not enough parking, I always have to park 4 or 5 blocks away. There is also a group of men that smoke and drink at the entrance of the building. There are kids, pregnant women, elderly folk who have to deal with the smell and the smoke of cigarettes and marijuana all day yet it claims to be a “smoke free zone”. There is also no manager on site or offsite ! Another thing, if you ever go outside late at night, you’ll see so many roaches, and not those tiny ones, these are huge roaches !! Disgusting.
Review from Apartments.com