Apartments Ending in 11 or 12 Are Unlivable
The apartment I was sold 7 months ago when I first moved in is not at all what I thought I was getting in regards to livable conditions. When the touring team said my apartment was "on special" they failed to mention that there are severe noise issues with this apartment. Once I moved in I realized that trash collection happens every 20 minutes in the alley outside of my apartment from 4am - 7am, Monday through Friday. This noise and the frequency of it during that time frame makes it... practically impossible to sleep a full 8 hours in this apartment. The noise gets as loud as 107 dB it's impossible to sleep during that 4am - 7am time frame. I would consider myself a very heavy sleeper for those trying to gauge how bad the noise is.
I had been parking in the garage across the street for 6 months since moving into Envoy and figured at some point that I would have made some progress on the waitlist or obtaining parking inside Envoy's garages. It took them 6 months and my car being broken into and items stolen in the garage across the street for Envoy to take any action in getting me into one of the onsite garages. Until then as a young, single woman I had had several very scary encounters with unhoused people as I've tried to get into Envoy and these encounters could have been significantly reduced by parking in the garage that is connected to Envoy directly. It's honestly been terrifying having people run after you as you're trying to enter your apartment building with your hands completely full and no way to protect yourself. I also had an unhoused woman scream racial hostilities at me while trying to enter this building. I’ve also had items stolen from right outside of my apartment while being under a camera. It took management a while to one confirm on the camera footage that a resident's visitor had stolen the umbrella from outside my door and two, reimburse me for the cost of it (which they haven’t done).
I have escalated all of these issues to management and have had them drag their feet on everything except getting me into a parking spot onsite. The only reason they acted there was because my car was broken into but it took them an entire weekend to fix it and respond. The team tends to take a while to resolve issues unless you constantly go to their office during their office hours which is tough to navigate with your own working hours. If I could give Envoy 0 stars I would after my experience in this building. Find somewhere else to live!
Review from Apartments.com
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