Used to be nice. Now there has been an influx of people that trash everything, don’t follow posted rules about anything, dog poop and trash everywhere. They smoke pot on balconies, blast music night and day, trash the pool area, intimidate people from using the pool, loud and disrespectful to everyone, work on cars in the garage, and so far suffer zero consequences from their actions.
Sleeping has become a joke. There is no peace and quiet here.
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Administrador de la propiedad en Deco Apartments respondió a esta revisión
Good afternoon. My apologies for your living experience so far. I understand your frustration. Unfortunately, DECO has no control over people that apply to live here and are approved per legislative law guidelines set as of 8/2023. Even though the... DECO team does everything possible to be proactive rather than rea ctive, it has been unfortunate, but we still thrive to create an exceptional living environment, and I can assure you that it is our number 1 priority combat things thrown at us on a day-to-day basis. we appreciate both, your residency and your feedback on your experiences. I encourage you to come to my office and speak with me if any future questions or concerns arise. I have an open-door policy but can also be reached at bwilliams@livedecodenver.com or call direct to 720-961-2200