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Apartamentos en alquiler con lavadora y secadora en Springfield NJ

155 apartamentos disponibles

  1. Building Photo - The Metropolitan Rental
    2 Meses Gratis

    The Metropolitan

    92 Millburn Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081

    1 - 3 Habitaciones$2,810 - $8,195

  2. Building Photo - Summit Hill Rental

    Summit Hill

    100 Stone Hill Rd, Springfield, NJ 07081

    1 - 3 Habitaciones$2,470 - $3,550

  3. Building Photo - The Villas Rental

    The Villas

    200 Springfield Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081

    1 - 2 Habitaciones$2,390 - $3,325

  4. Building Photo - The Harth Rental
    1 Mes Gratis

    The Harth

    397 Millburn Ave, Millburn, NJ 07041

    1 - 2 Habitaciones$3,189 - $8,900

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