The Residences on 56th Street
6800 Brendon Way W Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46226
1 - 3 Beds $999 - $1,699
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11,330 Apartments Available
6800 Brendon Way W Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46226
1 - 3 Beds $999 - $1,699
3914 Lake Clearwater Pl, Indianapolis, IN 46240
1 - 2 Beds $1,345 - $2,130
6214 Long Channel Ln, Indianapolis, IN 46268
1 - 3 Beds $1,159 - $1,689
Rent averages in Indianapolis, IN vary based on size.
There are 1559 cheap apartments in Indianapolis, IN priced as low as $1,099
There are 4202 short-term apartments in Indianapolis, IN.
Residents in Indianapolis, IN usually get around by car. According to Walk Score, Indianapolis, IN falls within the Car Dependent range.
If you’re a college or university student moving to Indianapolis, IN, can help you find a rental near Ivy Tech Community College-Downtown Indianapolis Campus, Purdue Indianapolis, Marian Univ. Indianapolis and others.