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Apartments for Rent in Towson Circle

944 Apartments Available

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You found 944 available rentals in Towson Circle, Towson. Refine your search by using the filter at the top of the page to view 1, 2 or 3+ bedroom units, as well as cheap, pet friendly rentals with utilities included and more. Use our customizable guide to narrow down options.

Living in Towson Circle, MD

Towson Circle is a bustling community located less than 15 miles from Baltimore's city center. This popular neighborhood is just five minutes from Towson University, making it an excellent location for students to rent. This retail hotspot is home to a variety of eclectic shops, malls, and plazas. Situated at the center of Townson Circle is Towson Town Center, where locals enjoy perusing over 160 retail shops and eateries. Less than a mile away is Circle East, a mixture of luxury living spaces and outdoor shops. There is a delightful mix of single-family homes, affordable apartments, and luxury mid-rise apartments available for rent in Towson Circle.

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