Poor Management
The management is really poor. Things don't get fixed for weeks. You can never get ahold of anyone. Every time I try to go to the office the door is locked and if you try to call they don't typically answer the phones and the mail box is full so you can't leave a message. They will charge things that they should not charge, for example: I am required to have my own water and sewage bill and they still add on a water/sewage fee to my rent each month. I bring this up and each month I am told they... are in the process of removing the charge...Yet the next month I have that same charge. Never have they actually went in and manually removed the charge even though they know they are not supposed to be adding that on to most units. The parking lot will destroy your car because they do not do upkeep to their lots. Pot holes are everywhere. They have a pool but usually they don't open it until summer is almost over & it stays green so if they do open it you won't want to swim in it. My complex was supposed to be "fully renovated" that just meant the painted the tub to hide the mold.
Review from Apartments.com