Save your money, don’t move here!
Hmmm where to begin about this complex…..
I’ve lived here for over a year now and have been sitting on this review for quite some time. I hate it here. Here’s why:
•The leasing office: Every time we have to deal with the leasing office for anything, it’s always a headache. Miscommunication, difficulty reaching them, incorrect info, lack of knowledge, etc. If you call as a resident, you’ll be routed to some call center in another state.
•The residents: People treat this place like a dumpster.... Residents are constantly littering, letting their dogs pee and poop all in the hallways/elevators, ruining the dog park by leaving dog poop EVERYWHERE for the poor maintenance staff to pick up. Constantly smoking in the courtyard despite this being a “smoke free” apartment. Lazily throwing their trash in and around the trash room instead of down the trash chutes- again leaving it to the maintenance staff to clean up after them… leaving condom wrappers and empty shooter bottles in the hallway where residents walk to get home. It’s absolutely disgusting how people treat this place. Beyond that, the lack of grounds keeping makes this place more of a health hazard than a home.
• Delivery: When we signed our lease, we signed on using the free package lockers for delivery services. These lockers were decommissioned shortly after due to constant theft (again, thanks neighbors). To our surprise, we noticed a new charge appearing on our monthly bill for “Fetch” - a courier “service” that we absolutely refuse to use because it is awful - go see their reviews for yourselves.
This charge was not in our lease agreement, and when we called the leasing office about it, to our surprise they told us… this is what we use now and you have to pay for it. The couple of times I did use fetch, I had packages stolen within minutes of delivery. When I brought this up to the leasing office, they basically shrugged their shoulders and said that we had to continue to pay for this awful service (that again, was not in our lease agreement) and that there is no way to opt out. I am currently looking at legal ways to dispute this because it’s an absolute scam.
•The fire alarms: The entire fire system in this building is faulty to the point that residents don’t even leave their apartment when they go off during all hours of the night. There is never an actual fire and if there is, we’re all screwed. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The complex won’t notify residents that “the fire alarms went off
Review from Apartments.com