Absolutely not!
If you're a fan of roosters, barking dogs, constant sirens, screaming kids, a dirty gym, break-ins, and death threats, you'll love this place!
Cars in the garage get broken into. Homeless guy in the alley threatened to kill me because I stopped him from breaking into the building with a crowbar. Thieves know the code to get in through the front door and have mailbox master keys. Cleaning wipes in the gym haven't been refilled in about 8 months. The whole building shakes every time someone... shuts their door. Homeless people live in the alley and constantly scream at nothing. The houses behind the building have roosters that crow and dogs that bark 24/7.
Save your money. You can get a place in the Valley for the same price that has a pool, less noise, and management that at least pretends to care.
Review from Apartments.com